We Provide Safety and Security Tips for Chicago Consumers
Where ever you are now, are you ready for what may come?
It is great that you stopped by and are making an effort to be safe during disasters and alerts. It seems like a great idea to read on and learn here how to look after your wife, kids, and kin in case of a bad emergency.
Alert Chicago will help you navigate the straights and narrows of terrible calamities befalling you and your loved ones. So whether an act of God brought it about or simple negligence, we have answers. Because of this, we help you learn the medical, legal, and preparatory steps to make it out in one piece. So we’re not just about prepping. Most of all, we are about assisting you in formulating a plan of action for survival. So although this depends on your particular mishap, such as a car crash or of control boat in a flood zone, we offer solutions.
Teamwork Makes Us Better
Together as a team, we will strive to make our city a self-sufficient metropolis. Here we offer help from plenty of helpers and Good Samaritans. Also, there are all types of tragedies that can befall us in Chitown. Disasters can come from an ISIS terror attack or a city bus jumping a curb and running you or your breadwinner down. Rain, sleet, or snow, we are ready to help you survive and even thrive through your emergency.
Therefore, contact us if you are a lawyer, prepper, or concerned citizen. Also, if you are one who wishes to provide useful data to the site, please get in touch with us now, and we will review your credentials and requests. In addition, the goal of our organization is to bring the best, most up-to-date, and most helpful training survival resources. Finally, our audience is alert Chicagoans and those visiting our fair state. We hope you enjoy your experience at www.alertchicago.org.
Call us
(888) 492-7487
Opening Hours
Mon – Sat 09:00 – 17:00 | Sunday: Closed
How can we help?
We can refer you to law enforcement agencies, lawyers, and other organizations that help citizens with safety and society.
Support Group
Did you lose a loved one to a natural disaster or other situation like a burn injury or a car crash? We can connect you with support networks like MADD and others to make your day brighter.
Fighting Anxiety
Follow our free alerts and find out where the best shelters are and where to go when those high winds defeat your automobile and leave you stranded. This is a great way to reduce anxiety.
Stress Management
Our experts post articles about stress management relief and provide tips and tricks on lowering your blood pressure and overall stress.
Alternate Dispute Resolution
Stress of lockdowns and injuries to kids from vaccines has led to breakups and divorce on a massive scale. Let our representatives find a way to relieve these problems on your behalf!
READY? Emergency Preparedness
READY includes actions taken before an emergency to develop operational capabilities and facilitate an effective response in the event of an emergency. This means that various domains of responsibility (such as warning, damage assessment, and other emergency management functions) are identified and assigned to entities capable of performing them. It means that the human and material resources needed to get the job done are available and can be mobilized quickly. Being ready is clarity about what may be needed, what should be done, and how it will be done. Being Ready is a continuous process that aims to reduce unknowns during an emergency, acts as an educational activity, is based on knowledge, and evokes appropriate action.
The response is defined as actions taken immediately before, during, and directly after an emergency occurs to save lives, minimize damage to property and enhance the effectiveness of recovery. Response to an event is the function of law enforcement, emergency medical services, fire-rescue departments, and first responders. When a large-scale event has occurred, it is important that the response be coordinated. This generally means activating the City of Chicago Joint Operations Center to ensure central coordination. Public official alerting, shelter and evacuation, search and rescue, and resource mobilization are part of the response mode.
We Help People Prepare and RECOVER
Recovery is the activity to return the infrastructure systems to minimum operating standards and long-term activity design to return life to normal or improved levels. Recovery is the hardest phase of a disaster and requires personal and community motivation.
It also requires advanced planning for how recovery will happen. Some areas of the recovery process include:
damage assessment, debris clearance, decontamination, disaster assistance centers, crisis counseling, disaster loans and grants, reassessment of emergency plans, reconstruction, and temporary housing. After an emergency, help will be available, but everyone cannot be reached immediately. It could take hours, or it may take days. Being prepared before an event occurs is your best protection.
By learning what your risks may be, you can prepare for emergencies that are most likely to occur in your area. Information found within this website will help prepare you for the appropriate response or actions needed to recover from an emergency, disaster, or tragic event. Developing a family emergency plan, which includes your need for preparation, types of emergencies, and what to do in each case, will certainly ease the stress and help assure safety for the family.

At Home, At Work, On the Go – Are You Prepared?
We’re glad that you have chosen to take an active role in protecting and preparing yourself and your family for an emergency.
This site will guide you through the necessary steps to be prepared for any emergency event, natural or otherwise. In addition to assisting you in creating a basic family plan and assembling the appropriate supplies, it will also give you information about how to alter that plan depending on the specific situation.
Working together, we can make Chicago as prepared as any big city can be. When we work together, we can confront any emergency, whether it’s a severe winter storm or a terrorist attack.
The OEMC is continually updating our emergency plans and the technology we have to face new threats, but we can’t do it alone. Click through the buttons on this page to learn how you can do your part.

Jill Stevens
Community Activist
I volunteer my time blogging and placing victims with lawyers who are alert in Chicago.

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